Overcoming the October Teacher Slump

It is hard to believe that October is almost over! October is known for the infamous “teacher slump”. The beginning of the year adrenaline has long since faded Teachers begin to feel the rhythm and flow of the teaching day. You also may still have moments of feeling overwhelmed as you navigate the many tasks related to being a teacher. Inspire at UT Austin provides access to online learning modules that are aligned to issues you are thinking about and encountering in your teaching.


From parent conferences to report card time, October is a great time to reach out to the parents/guardians your students. Phone calls and emails from a teacher serve as a reminder of the importance of working together to support learning. Check out the parents module to learn more about addressing barriers and building positive relationships with students’ parents.

Teacher Stress

There is a lot of stress in teaching. It is important for teachers to be mindful of their stress levels. The teacher stress module provides insight into identifying the causes of symptoms of stress and exploring coping strategies.

Valuing Students’ Backgrounds

As you continue planning lessons and building community, it is important to be mindful of the funds of knowledge that your students are bringing into the classroom. The module on valuing students’s backgrounds can spark conversation on how teachers affirm differences and value student background knowledge in their planning.

Be a leader on your campus by sharing these great resources with others. Consider sharing with the new teachers on your campus, department heads, your leadership team, and even your district leaders. Make a presence at your next PLC, grade level team or at your next department meeting by teaching others about the Inspire at UT Austin online modules.

In addition to the modules, Inspire also offers webinars. Please make time to join in November Dr. McDaniel is inspiring and also offers great resources to teachers. We trust you will enjoy hearing from him.

We hope you have a great October with your students!

Upcoming Webinar from INSPIRE

Date: November 13, 2019, 3-4PM CST

Inspire Webinar: Caring Beyond Expectations

Presented by: Dr. Brian McDaniel, 2018 California State Teacher of the Year

October 15, 2019 | ElevateTxEd


Partnership Updates + News + Stories from the Field of Education

Fostering Digital Equity

Fostering Digital Equity

Fostering Digital EquityI feel stuck! Virtual videos, boxes filled with the names of students I teach, and this chair...

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We are back!!

We are re-thinking our practice!

We are innovative and excited about new shifts, new thinking, and the opportunity to TEACH!!
While our work may be anything but ordinary right now, we are still focused on improving our practice and setting goals to help guide us along the way. Why??? Because #TeachersCan and WILL continue to build their practice even in the most difficult of times!
Are you looking to set goals for intentional improvement? We know #TeachersCan and we are here to help!
– Identify your area for growth
– Set goals
– Monitor Progress
– Adjust as needed

Read more here!!

Launching our Micro-PD Series!

Launching our Micro-PD Series!

Launching Micro-PD SeriesWe believe that teachers can change the world, innovate, inspire, persevere… We celebrate...