Fostering Digital Equity

I feel stuck! Virtual videos, boxes filled with the names of students I teach, and this chair that I feel glued to!

In a recent zoom, I stood up to grab a picture to show a student. I walked away from the camera, I became unstuck and felt free to wander, to walk, and to interact in a different way with my students!

EVERYONE stand up!! Let’s explore space, emotions, time, and connections in a different way. Remember, the chair is not glue and the video will keep working when more than our faces are showing. Unstick yourself!!

Watch this AWESOME video of a real life class interacting in new and unsticky ways! How can you incorporate this into your own virtual teaching experiences?

August 22, 2020 | ElevateTxEd


Partnership Updates + News + Stories from the Field of Education

We are ALL new to teaching!

We are ALL new to teaching!

We Are All New to Teaching We recognize both the uncertainty and strong, varying emotions surrounding the return to...



We are back!!

We are re-thinking our practice!

We are innovative and excited about new shifts, new thinking, and the opportunity to TEACH!!
While our work may be anything but ordinary right now, we are still focused on improving our practice and setting goals to help guide us along the way. Why??? Because #TeachersCan and WILL continue to build their practice even in the most difficult of times!
Are you looking to set goals for intentional improvement? We know #TeachersCan and we are here to help!
– Identify your area for growth
– Set goals
– Monitor Progress
– Adjust as needed

Read more here!!

Launching our Micro-PD Series!

Launching our Micro-PD Series!

Launching Micro-PD SeriesWe believe that teachers can change the world, innovate, inspire, persevere… We celebrate...